
  • Tutorial on User Simulation for Evaluating Information Access Systems on the Web. Tutorial at WWW’24 (together with CX. Zhai). 2024. [website]
  • User Simulation for Evaluating Interactive Intelligent Systems. Tutorial at AAAI’24 (together with CX. Zhai). 2024. [website]
  • User Simulation for Evaluating Information Access Systems. Tutorial at CIKM’23 (together with CX. Zhai). 2023. [website]
  • Web Table Extraction, Retrieval and Augmentation. Tutorial at SIGIR’19 (together with S. Zhang). 2019. [website]
  • Entity Linking. Half-day tutorial at RUSSIR’16. 2016.
  • Living Labs for Online Evaluation: From Theory to Practice. Tutorial at ECIR’16 (together with A. Schuth). 2016.
  • Entity Linking and Retrieval for Semantic Search. Tutorial in Montreal organized by Radialpoint Inc. (together with E. Meij and D. Odijk). 2014.
  • Entity Linking and Retrieval for Semantic Search. Tutorial at WSDM’14 (together with E. Meij and D. Odijk). 2014.
  • Entity Linking and Retrieval. Tutorial at SIGIR’13 (together with E. Meij and D. Odijk). 2013.
  • Entity Linking and Retrieval. Tutorial at WWW’13 (together with E. Meij and D. Odijk). 2013.
  • Semistructured Data Search. Invited lecture at PROMISE Winter School: Bridging between Information Retrieval and Databases. 2013.
  • Retrieving Entities. Invited lecture at Advanced SIKS-Course: Probabilistic Methods for Entity Resolution and Entity Ranking. 2009.