Thesis in the news

NWO has also released an English translation of the article about my thesis work that had escaped my attention when I posted the link to the Dutch version. Obviously, a number of news sites did not miss it (I believe this has to be credited to NWO), and picked up this press release. It’s basically the same story, published under various titles —and since one of these is in French, I can say— and in multiple languages. Here is a list with the appearances I found so far. (If you find one that is not on the list, please post it in a comment!)

Dr. Balog

It has been a while since my last post…
I’ll write an update soon, but in the meantime, let me just make brief mention of a certain event that took place recently, and I think worths a post. Yes, I’m referring to my PhD defense on September 30th. So, as of that date, I’m Dr. Balog :)
My homepage still needs to be updated at several points (e.g., replacing all the “PhD student” parts with something else), but this is an activity I’ll do with pleasure.

Here is a press release from NWO (in Dutch) about my thesis work.

Thesis resources #1: CSIRO candidates and associations

As promised before, it’s now time to start sharing some resources that I obtained during my thesis work. This first release contains two CSIRO related items: the list of CSIRO candidates (e-mail addresses) and a list of document-candidate associations.
I was actually keen to make these available before the submission deadline for the Expert Search runs at the TREC 2008 Enterprise track. These lists, of course, are far from perfect, but worked for me quite well. If you have comments, suggestions, improved versions, etc. feel free to contact me!
The files are available at the same place as the CERC collection (so you’ll need the same username and password): Thanks to Paul Thomas for arranging the hosting!

PhD thesis online

My PhD thesis titled People Search in the Enterprise is made available online. Contact me if you want a paperback version!

Part of the contributions of the thesis is a collection of resources, including software code, as well as data. These will come in several releases, starting very soon…

fCHER program

The program of the Future Challenges in Expertise Retrieval (fCHER) SIGIR 2008 workshop is available here.