Entity Linking and Retrieval tutorial at WWW’13

Earlier this week, Edgar Meij, Daan Odijk, and I gave a half-day tutorial at the WWW’13 conference on Entity Linking and Retrieval.

The tutorial consists of three parts: (i) entity linking (Edgar), (ii) entity retrieval (me), and a hands-on lab session (Daan). The hands-on session is further subdivided into entity linking and entity retrieval parts. The slides are made available on github. We also created a Mendeley group with all the papers that were discussed. The tags, entity linking and entity retrieval, hint the part of the tutorial to which each paper belongs. We intend to maintain and expand this repository, so it might be useful for you to follow this group.

Given that this was a half-day tutorial, we had to be quite selective in what we presented. A full-day version of the same tutorial will be given by us at SIGIR’13 in July. If you have suggestions for improvements and pointers to papers, approaches, services, etc. that we could/should cover (yes, this includes your own work) then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

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